The Best Softcore Porn Sites

Softcore, the kind of porn that everyone loves to watch
Remember when those sexy movies were played around midnight or around 1 in the morning and you thought that something is going to happen hot. The babes were exceptional, they were like super model hot and here they are getting ready to be fucked as if they are on Viagra. Then, once the scene starts you already start getting that weird feeling that something is off, that something doesn't feel right. Then it hits you, it is softcore porn, the kind of porn that is as disappointing as beer without alcohol. Well, that was back in the day because the kind of softcore that is being made now is more than just sex, it is erotica, it is art and it is all that you ever wanted to see, but a bit more toned down than the hardcore sex that we are all used to. The sofcore scenes are not as explicit as the hardcore ones but the sites that we placed on the list still feature sex and tend to show genitals. This is the main difference between softcore and hardcore, the showing of the genitals. As the time passed, softcore became a bit toned down hardcore version of sex.
It might be soft but it is still going to the core
The kinds of videos and the kind of the pictures that are featured on these sites are leaning more towards erotic art. This is the new wave that hit porn and it was a much needed slap in the face because porn was getting out of control. It was featuring videos that are trying to out do one another. After double anal what else was there to do but go back full circle and start appreciating women for what they really are, soft and delicate beautiful beings who require tenderness and poems to be recited to. Well, not that far but you get the idea. This was a much needed refreshment and the sites on the list are all doing just that. They are celebrating women and their beauty in all of its glory and yes, it does feature sex in some scenes but for the most part, the sites feature solo girls or girl on girl action. Some, are more oriented towards the orgasm, the female orgasm and the sensuality of women. This all might sound all so new age to men, but trust us when we tell you, it is all exciting and it will lift those willies the right way.
Beauty in sex is portrayed without actual sex
This one is a paradox but it actually is the universal truth. Sex, the explicit one that we all got used to through porn is actually not portraying the real sex. Yes, those are the moves and those are the holes and the curves that occur when sex happens but it is the essence behind it, the vibe, the energy that is making sex for what it is. This is all stripped away from us in hardcore sex. Softcore is bringing the sexy back and it is something that we need because from all of the animalistic pictures that we've been exposed over the years made our brains desensitized to what real beauty in sex is and we can't even separate love making from sex. Those are two different things and one can be seen in a hardcore video and the other in the soft one. The beautiful girls in all of these sites are portraying sex but in a loving way, the way that we need.
The core of it all is the passion
Check out some of the sites and read some of their names. Some are named passion some are named soft, then some are desire. These are all tender words, the kinds that we need to speak to our lovers. We've forgotten the beauty behind it all and the appeal of the spoken word as we are making love. Hopefully, some of these sites are going to bring back that love making vibe and that is the point of these sites. They are in fact geared towards the couples, they are targeting those who have partners so that they can watch some erotic porn together and enjoy the art and the beauty of it all. These are all amazing creations and they all require our support because to be honest, these sites are not doing as well as they should. Why? Because they are not depicting the pure animalistic side of sex and men are not dominating women like cavemen in these sexual depictions. It is sad when you think about it but that is the reality that we are living in. That's why this is one of our favorite categories.