Pirattranny Site Review



Review screenshot pirattranny.net




Are you a pirate who catches trannies? Or you are a tranny who likes pirates? Or is Johnny Depp a shemale? None of the above, I guess, right? PiratTranny is a porn tube that has a lot of shemales running around on its pages and if you want to see such videos, I advise you to access this place since they have a pretty cool design and some great colors on the template. Nah, I was just kidding. There is nothing special on this layout … Just a regular blog!

If you want to see tranny full movies, you can find them in the sidebar for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Underneath you will have top news, last comments a list of tags and the archives. This archive goes back to February 2016. Not many, but enough. Oh, wait! There is a button called Show Full Archive! OMG! I see that they go back to 2011. My bad …

It is no wonder to see that they have almost 800 pages all together on the blog, since they have such a long time archive. With a better design, they could be one of the greatest on the market. But, probably, the ones that enter here don’t care about things like this …We think you will also enjoy tranny.one.

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