Film Latex is just the thing you need if you have a latex fetish. This is a softcore solo porn site, where you will get to enjoy the beauty of a perfect female body all covered in latex. The models are straight gorgeous. They are tall, with big tits, long legs, and nice asses. This is a British site, and most of the porn stars you will find on it are from the UK. But besides British babes, the collection also features lots of East European chicks who are living in England. And if you know anything about BDSM, you’ll know that the East European babes have the best femdom attitude, which makes them look amazing when they’re all dressed in latex.
With some 100 models in the model index, this site is totaling more than 900 videos. Each babe has several performances in this collection. The videos are on average 18 minutes long, which is excellent for a collection of solo porn, because in this niche, the porn usually comes with scenes under 10 minutes. All this porn can be yours with a membership on the site. A month of access only costs $19.95, while access for three months comes for $69.95.
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