The Best Spanking Porn Sites

Why spanking porn is great
There are many psychological reasons why spanking someone during sex feels so great. In fact, even NOT during sex it feels so great, of course if you're targeting the ass or tits or anywhere sexual, really. So many great phenomenal studies about sexual spanking and how it directly correlates to our brain and the feeling of power and blah blah blah. Well guess what? I ain’t no Psych doctor (although much respect for them), I’m here to talk about why spanking porn feels so good on your BODY and on MY BODY and that bubble butt chick’s body. It feels great sexually. I’m sure there are amazing psychological reasons behind why it feels so good sexually but if you want to know that, I think it’s best you start reading psychological sites instead. But you mister are here and so let me reward you for that by going on a bit more about these amazing spanking sites!
Spanking & Caning Punishment
There are many different themes or reasons why people enjoy ass whipping someone sexually. One reason would be that it is a means of punishment. Everybody enjoys the good girl, bad girl act once in a while. When someone’s doing the bad girl act, it’s pretty obvious that they usually ask to be punished. “Oh I’ve been such a bad, bad, naughty little girl. Maybe daddy should spank me or punish me for being so bad. I never follow the rules, I’m so naughty.” If you did not read that in your best school girl voice, the whole world would know you are lying. You totally read that in your school girl voice, just as I typed it in my school girl voice as well. There’s no shame here. I know I’ve watched enough punishment porn to be able to know all the commonly used lines. There’s just something about being able to right the wrong and punish all the bad people and then brutally fuck them after. Spanking is like the oral sex of brutally fucking. You might be able to get away with it, but it just doesn’t feel as good, there’s no great build up, and something will always feel missing.
Woman being dominated through bare bottom spanking
Let’s talk about the obvious now. IT’S ALWAYS MEN SPANKING WOMEN. Have you ever noticed that? Of course there are lots of instances when it’s the woman whipping the man, but let’s be real, it’s mostly the men whipping the women. Why is that? Here are some of the reasons why men love spanking women and why you need some spice in your sex life with the great spank sites provided for you. One: It asserts dominance. The only other time you’d probably see a woman spanking a man is when she’s trying to assert dominance between them. Although we all know that a lot of men prefer being the dominant one and they’ll do anything to prove that dominance. So one way they’ve figured out how to do that is by getting it on with some ass whipping.
More Reasons to like spank and flogging porn
Two: It’s the simplest way to add some kink or spice to their everyday sex life. If you’re not me, or you’re dealing with men who are not me, it might get a little frustrating when they can’t find your clitoris. Of course, I ALWAYS know where the clitoris is, I’m some sort of a master, but even I agree with this reason. Flogging definitely adds some spice or kink to my everyday sex life plus it’s so much easier than digging around and looking for the clitoris. It’s so quick to just smack your hand against that big jiggling booty and instantaneously the sex becomes more intense and fun. Three: It grabs the girl’s attention. Aside from asserting dominance, we want to sometimes be the star of the show. We love it when the girls are the centre of attention, but once in a while we want to slap them into remembering that we are here and they should give us a little bit more attention. Four: It looks and sounds great. That smack sound is putting all the reasons into one. That sound is us asserting dominance and getting attention and everything all at once. Plus it’s so great for our self-esteem and dicks when we see that cherry red ass caused by our heavy, manly hands. Five: It boosts our self-esteem. Spanking a girl and actually being allowed to tells us that the girl is just as into us or into what we are doing just as much as we are. It boobs our self esteem and makes us feel strong, powerful, and even handsome. Try spanking porn now!!