Sex Cams » Mydirtyhobby
Mydirtyhobby Site Review
My Dirty Hobby Will Blow Your Mind
I love community-driven sites – not just because you can interact with real, everyday people. It’s also that they have the best content; once your community grows to a certain size, you’re guaranteed to have multiple updates and user-produced content. Plus, you get to talk to like-minded people, have fun and fool around. That’s the basic idea behind My Dirty Hobby, an awesome porn site slash dating platform slash social network. I’ve realized that a lot of people think it’s just another tube site so I simply had to do a review and set the record straight! The whole idea behind the site is that you can create a profile and then interact with other members. Along the way you can watch videos, turn on your cam and do just about a million other things that make you feel happy – and boy oh boy, do they have videos! My Dirty Hobby boasts with more than one million porn videos uploaded by users. The content is not one hundred percent exclusive, but there are a lot of good things over there; when you have that amount of content you’re bound to have some good stuff. So, while this isn’t exactly your average porn video slash tube site, it still gets the job done even if you’re only into hot porn scenes and videos. Some of those have been user-produced and you know what that means: pure amateur porn pleasure!
Some Things Will Surprise You
I was very surprised when I realized that the video quality is quite good; I was expecting something along the lines of blurry, choppy, mid-2000 internet porn type of videos. But I’m guessing that everyone moved on with the times and even your average user knows how to encode or at least what to do in order to have good porn video quality. While you won’t find 4K videos on My Dirty Hobby, their content is clear enough to get you going and then some. As I said, they have a fuckload of videos and the number is constantly rising; it’s around 1.2 million for now, with around 630 hundred thousand (yes, around 630.000) photo galleries, all generated by the users. When you look at the numbers, they seem to be ridiculous – your average porn site is lucky to have around 20K videos, but take into account the fact that an army of people is over there and user-generated content is usually the best. While the site is ran by Germans, there are still English language videos, but I’m not the one to complain because porn speaks all languages and pretty much transcends national borders. The whole site is available in several languages which is a nice plus. One important note is that you can stream until your internet cable catches fire, but you need to buy the videos if you want to download them. Why, you might be grumbling? Because the idea is that people who actually made the videos, the real amateurs, could make some money out of that and that’s pretty fair in my opinion. After all, you’ll be getting a lot of options and perks for your dollar, and you’ll see more of the good stuff later.
Prices, Updates and Navigation
Since this is a community-driven site, the updates aren’t exactly scheduled but it all works out; they do have multiple updates per day! Once the site becomes this big, everything sort of happens on its own and you really have nothing to worry about when it comes to updates. And the prices are… Well, they aren’t your usual membership option, that’s for sure. Let me put it this way: they have their own currency called “dirty cents”. You pay for the dirty cents and then you spend them doing all kinds of things on the site – purchase videos, photos or spend them on chat. 800 dirty cents cost around 10 Euros (that would also be around $10), 1200 are 15 Euros, 2000 are 25 Euros while 4000 dirty cent will cost you 50 Euros. Thos are good prices and you can do a lot of those amounts of their currency, but be careful – the dirty cents can disappear quickly if you’re not watching what you’re paying. You can also spend them in the live chat section which also doubles as live cam section; some models charge per message while others are charging for the shows. You’ll find that the navigation is fairly easy despite the flashy options and somewhat outdated design. Left side menu will be your best friend since it has all the important options: your profile, notifications, visitors, wish list, your library and other things. You can also see who’s near you. I’m not going to dwell too much on their design and options: they get the job done but I’ll leave you to explore everything in-depth.
So, It’s a Porn Social Network Slash Tube
To be honest, I think that My Dirty Hobby is both, neither and something completely different at the same time. It’s like being on a different kind of self-contained internet where you have everything: you have your porn videos, regular daily updates, user-generated content, lots of photos, you can have a chat, watch live cams with some rather hot models, or simply lurk in the shadows and send messages to people you think are hot. It’s a mish mash of everything and somehow it works! While their prices aren’t exactly the lowest in the business, it’s a different pricing model compared to your average porn video site. This is primarily, as they say, “adult social network” and I think that the claims that they’re the biggest porn social network in the world might even be true. I liked the site and had a ton of fun while visiting and exploring it! While they might think about cleaning the design a bit and making everything easier, it’s not a big deal and I think they’re heading in the right direction with this.
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