Bondagecomixxx Site Review

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The name of the page says it all, really. is the name of the page, and their game is posting weird as hell comics. Even though they have "Bondage" in their name, they don't strictly post bondage only. For starters, you can't even find a single comic that involves bondage on the home page, but rather, you will mostly find extreme porn there. And it's actually quite weird. It's porn that fetishizes race mixing, porn that fetishizes vore fetishism, size difference.

It's pretty god damn weird, and this seems like it's probably not fit for the average person that loves porn. Some of these even have images of people getting killed in 'em. Yep, people getting killed while they have sex. Even people who are pretty much already dead having sex. Not real people, though. That would be illegal. All of the comics are absolutely free for you to download, should you decide to do so. Now, while you barely get any tags floating around and so on, you do get a search bar, which is neat. You also get to use a bunch of tabs such as the "femdom" pack and the "gay" and "must have" pack.You should look at and

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