Barely Evil
Being a fan of women dressed in tattoos is not something I try to hide and this site takes the cake. They have everything I love, from girls with dyed hair to girls with full on mohawks. They cater to anything and everything you could think of. The one thing that I love about gothic chicks is that they really are more adventurous and daring compared to vanilla girls and their daring and adventurous side is really seen in their sex life. These girls, however, are on a whole new level. They are rebellious, fun, sexy, beautiful, and so fucking sexy. I personally have never seen anyone as sexy as the girls on BarelyEvil, and that’s saying a lot.
The layout of the site is so easy to navigate that someone who has never even used a computer could navigate through it, and I suppose that was the point. They used a red and black layout which is really something that fits the theme of the site. If you aren’t a member, none of the content will be visible to you but as a member, the content that you see will make you have the best orgasm of your life.We think you will also enjoy Top 12 Sites like Barely Evil