The Best Handjob Porn Sites

Handjob, one job that is not that hard to do 8h a day
There are so many variations in sex. There is the regular missionary position, then there is the cock suck or oral, as some like to call it. There is the anal, for those who love to go overboard and who are all about that taboo sex but then there is the regular handjob. The simplest of them all. A sex move that is not considered masturbation even though it has all of the elements of it. It is a position where the woman grabs the penis of a man and starts to jerk it off. This is a very intimate move due to the fact that the man is at woman's mercy. She is doing what she pleases with him and his penis and the dude just has to endure it all. Thankfully, the handjob is one very pleasing sex move, one that so many men prefer to receive before the actual sex and before oral if that can be arranged. It is all about the foreplay and the excitement that happens before sex and here we have the exact thing, an arousal that is so simple yet so effective.
Jerking the cock, but someone else has got to do it
The selection of sites that we chose are all premium sites. Sorry, we are dealing with primo porn here and we want to promote only the best of the best. The ones that are on tube sites are not dealing with just the handjobs. With these sites you are getting exclusive scenes, models who are dealing with just this genre and the whole production is all about the handjob. This makes such a difference in the quality that these videos hold that it is just too hard to go back once you realize what the best looks like. With the sites on our list, you are getting the cream of the crop. Sites that for just a few bucks a month are giving you awesome scenarios, cool settings and scenes that are just blowing you away, just like the dudes are getting blown away by these wonderful models. Check out some of the clips and try not to whip it out and wank one off. It will be very, very hard to do. We know what kind of content to push and these are the ones we're pushing buddy.
Tug job, not thug
There are variations on this one sexy move. Some are calling it the handjob because of a simple fact that a hand is doing all the work on the tender penis. Then, there is a move called the tug job, which in essence is the same thing but the delivery is a bit different. Those who are aware of these nuances know what we are talking about. The tug job is a bit rougher handle of the cock. These tug jobs can be seen in happy hour massage parlors where the Asian masseuses give out happy endings with tug jobs. The hand one is a bit intimate. There is a huge difference but a nuance is that separates them. You can check out some of the sites that are dealing with this kind of a theme and the ones that are dealing with massage parlors. The ones that are set in massage parlors are all about happy endings but there, you can see what a pro tug job is supposed to be. The premium sites are delivering the goods and for a few bucks, you can see some sexual revelations you've never seen before.
Femdom tug jobs
Have you ever seen those videos where the dude is subdued and the woman is having her way with the dude? The ones where the female dominates the dude's pecker and it is all about the hand work? Those are the ones that are designed by God himself for this kind of porn. The bloke is tied up or wrapped up in saram wrap, with his cock hanging out. What else is there to do but jerk off that cock until he cums. This also falls under the denial category, the orgasm denial one. There are so many variations that it is hard to get them all. We chose the ones on the list to promote some of the tug jobs that we think are not getting exposure in the way that they deserve. Asian handwork is always beautiful and at times artistic with close up shots etc. The ones that are regular are still delivering a cast of models who are not seen yet. With the sites under our wing, we expect that you pick up some of the names and start sharing. Handjobs must become the norm in porn, let's make this a better place for all.