The Best Forced Porn Sites

Some hardcore rough stuff
When we think of sex we usually think of some tender love sharing, an experience that is supposed to be full of understanding, caring and soft touches. It is as if a princess is getting her virginity drilled and she needs extra care with her special moment. Then, once we get older we start to realize that that process left us because we were too understanding, caring and our soft touches were too damn gay! After that, we started not giving a fuck and some of us started to be a bit more masculine. We stopped caring as much and the girls started to like us more. The thing that we thought would get us chicks was the exact thing that repelled them from us and now, we are standing before you, promoting all of the rough material porn that we could find. They called it forced porn but we just call it 'roughing her up a little bit'. These are some videos that are portraying the rougher side of sex and some women are actually enjoying being handled by a man in this way. Who knew women love being treated like sluts?
Getting fucked the raw way
The sites that we placed on the list are all about rough stuff. Some are concerned that these scenes are crossing the line of decent sex. Well, if we take a look at any porn scene, none of the scenes would pass the test and none can be considered to be decent. It is porn, a fantasy that we usually wouldn't do in our bed rooms but we can at least fantasize about them and watch them on porn. Forced porn is usually insinuating that the girls are getting fucked without their consent. this is true to a degree. it is a scripted scene where the girl gets roughed up and it seems as if she doesn't like the way she is handled. Then, the dude comes along and he fucks the crap out of her as she consents to his advances. Who sucks a dick like that if she doesn't like what she is doing. The scenarios are a play on total submission of the girl, who doesn't have a say in the sex that is taking place. They want to say the R word, but it just isn't that. Call it what it is. Rough porn.
Fucking the girl rotten, but she still likes it
Let's not get it twisted. All of the modes here are loving the way that they are getting fucked. They are all sluts who are enjoying a bit of a rough handle and they are still getting wet at the thought of their hands being tied up or the man who is pulling their hair back. These are some subtle fantasies that they are having and they are putting them in motion. The sites on the list are all about forced porn and they are pay sites. The difference between the pay site and a free tube one is that the pay sites have money behind them and they have production values. All, and we mean all forced porn videos that you see on tube sites came pretty much from these sites here. If there are any others, then we have a problem since forced porn is dancing on a thin line. No porn actress should ever be in real danger and amateur porn, or God forbid, homemade ones, are a topic for the Deep Web. These are the sites that are all legal but are just diving in the deepest of the taboos.
If it weren't taboo it wouldn't be so interesting
All of the sites are revolving around a theme or a vibe. Some are pushing horror, some are pushing creepers but they all got one thing in common, that wild play with fear and sex. There is nothing more arousing to a woman than a ying and yang, a rollercoaster of emotions that's scaring them and then it's giving them that full joy. Women are crazy. Let's just go ahead and say it out loud. Women are fucking crazy with what they love and what turns them on but if we take a look at the content that's being made, it's a hell of a content. Forced porn is a genra that is a scandalous one, one that might be out there, one that some religious groups are certanly going to use for their anti-porn arguments but fuck 'em. This is a section that is promoting this kind of porn and we are standing tall with our heads up high saying that this is something that needs to be seen as a fantasy and just like any genra, it is as hot as the rest of them. Why not.
Note: This is all role-playing and no one is being harmed.