MzansiFun Site Review

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Myansi Fun promises a lot of fun and manages to deliver even more! It’s a real African porn site where users can find a ton of hot videos, amateur shots, photos, even music and live chat! It seems that African porn sites love this sort of mix – porn isn’t just something you enjoy while you’re alone but rather an activity that brings people together. Registered users can also upload their own content and interact with a bunch of other people! It’s like a cross between dating, porn and hookup site, and I really loved their plethora of options and features. Membership is completely free. One thing I didn’t like are the ads. Constant pop-ups will really annoy you and they could serious kick it down a notch in order to give us a better browsing experience.

The site also supports two dozen different languages and you can even opt for content removal if you don’t like something. The photos are mostly amateur-ish and I enjoyed browsing massive photo galleries. All in all, this is a great site if you’re interested in real African porn movies, scenes and photos, plus you’d like to get in touch with someone who’s hot and wants to get down and dirty!
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