Hypno Porn Sites » FreeusePorn
FreeusePorn Site Review
Free Use Porn as you’d have already guessed is a free porn tube with an almost never-ending supply of hardcore videos for anyone to enjoy. With categories such as Alternative Free Use, Forced, Free Service, Glory Hole, Ignored Sex, Japanese, and Mind Control, there’s enough for everyone to use. Although the site is not very old, traffic with over a million visits every month suggests the popularity of the site. Typical of free porn tube sites, Free Use Porn, too, has a layout full of thumbnails running down each page. Hovering over the thumbnails gives you a mini-preview of what to expect in the particular video.
An exception though is the slider at the top that shows you the featured videos. Mind control videos too are among the featured vids. On the home page, though, try not to get distracted by the strippers who are all over the screen, ready to lead you elsewhere- unless you go full screen with a video of choice! The video quality varies from average to good but they are all passable. One feature that stands out is the speed control on the video player. Other than normal, you can also play the video in 0.5x, 1.5x and 2x speeds!
We suggest you check voodooed.com and girlsgonehypnotized.com.
An exception though is the slider at the top that shows you the featured videos. Mind control videos too are among the featured vids. On the home page, though, try not to get distracted by the strippers who are all over the screen, ready to lead you elsewhere- unless you go full screen with a video of choice! The video quality varies from average to good but they are all passable. One feature that stands out is the speed control on the video player. Other than normal, you can also play the video in 0.5x, 1.5x and 2x speeds!
We suggest you check voodooed.com and girlsgonehypnotized.com.